Friday, August 14, 2009
Use your common sense!
Why is there a need for so many vaccines when the side effects are more harmful than what they are trying to prevent?
If you have a choice between your children getting the measles or Autism, which would you choose?
Right now your kids chances of Autism or Mercury poisoning are greater with vaccines than getting the measles without. WHY ARE WE WILLING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE?
Do you really think it is coincidence that the rise in Autism coincides perfectly with the increase in vaccines given. Every time the number of vaccines is increased so does the incidence of Autism. Coincidence? I seriously doubt it.
1 in 150 kids is UNACCEPTABLE.
We Americans have become to accepting and complacent, and it is now being used against use, yet we are the only ones who can change this. Why in the world do we allow "Thimerosal" (TMS)to be put in our kids? It is 50% mercury! This is a component of all vaccines. Mercury poisoning has the almost exact characteristics as Autism. Here is an excerpt from a research report:
More recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have determined that the typical amount of Hg injected into infants and toddlers via childhood immunizations has exceeded government safety guidelines on an individual (6) and cumulative vaccine basis (7). The mercury in vaccines derives from thimerosal (TMS), a preservative which is 49.6% ethylmercury (eHg)
Why do we believe the pharmaceutical industry when they tell us there is no correlation between Autism and vaccines, when the facts prove otherwise.
The fact that we are allowing our kids and grand kids health and well being to be compromised in the name of profit really pisses me off. And It should you too.
It's time to start using our own God given common sense and put a stop to this nonsense.
Please read the post from ARI, do your own research, It will piss you off too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Two Great Days
1. The day you are born
2. The day you understand why
Stop waiting on the government to fix your problems. They can't even fix their own problems, and they can't fix their problems without creating more for you.
When you dig hole and you keep giving away the dirt and you then dig deeper to give away some more dirt you will eventually run out of dirt to give away and you do not have any left to refill the hole with.
Now how do you suppose they are going to fill the hole? They will expect you (the taxpayer) to fill the hole.
By the time they are finished our money will be cheaper than dirt anyway.
If you have problems, thank God for them, it means he trust you.
Nothing Changes until you do.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Are you having a midlife financial crisis?
Have you ever wanted to just drop out of Existence for awhile? Give Up, Settle, or just wonder why life is being so hard on you? I have and I think everyone has at some point in their life, especially right now with the constant bombardment of bad news about our economy.
I have received so many inquiries about where I have been for the past few months I had to finally break my silence. And I have a very important message for you. If you're feeling the crushing force of fear caused by the unrelenting financial catastrophes lurking around you at every turn... then this may be the most important letter you ever read...
Please read every word of this; and I guarantee your life will change.
Have you ever heard that if you want to make something harder, just put off doing it for awhile? This is an absolute fact. And I know this as well as anyone. The longer you procrastinate the harder it becomes; more Dreams have been shattered because of this one thing than any other, eventually you just give up without ever knowing what the outcome would have been; 95% of all Dreams end this way and then we make excuses as to why it didn't work .
Not only do you sell yourself short, but also the many other people you may have helped along the way had you followed through. We are all a work in progress, in different stages of our true potential. You will be successful at whatever it is you want in your life if you will simply keep moving toward your goal.
This is not theory; this is fact, if you will simply read and apply the principles found in this letter.
Success is not a place or thing; it is Progress through Constant Process. In its most basic form it is what makes you Happy. If you're not happy as you want to be right now, you have simply stopped or slowed your Progress by letting other things interfere with your Process.
I have owned 4 businesses in the past 25 years that were all successful. We decided to sell when both of our daughters were out of high school and move to our second home at beautiful Lake of the Ozarks, MO. My retirement plans have now changed a little, just like many others with the current state of our economy, but the principles I have lived & worked by will never change.
Am I worried about the future? Absolutely Not. Do I ever get discouraged? Absolutely. Everybody does.
If you are at all concerned about your future or your finances you need to pay close attention to what I am about to tell you.
I was interviewed by a local newspaper in 1984 at the ripe old age of 24 about the success I had at such a young age in building my business. They asked how I did it. I simply replied. "I believed I could". You see I didn't know all the reasons why businesses fail. Therefore failing was not even an option for me. This was a real brick and mortar business with employees and big overhead. And we enjoyed being in the top 10% of all distributors in the country for 10 years straight. I was simply doing the only thing my mind knew, it did not know what failure was, and therefore failure was not possible.
Fast forward another 10 years, I was interviewed again just a few short years ago and asked "What was the most difficult part of running your businesses"? Answer; "Me, it was a job with no end in sight and constant change orders". In other words we are all a constant "Work in Progress" Life and circumstances change whether it is something you want or not and sometimes it only changed because your thinking did, but you always have a choice as to how you move forward with the process.
I become a smart,educated business owner. I learned why business's failed and heard all the horror stories. I found out why so many entrepreneurs and business owners were stressed to the max and really not taking the time to enjoy anything in their lives. I had also become one of them by simply listening to them. My Success Process was replaced by a Protect and Worry about"what if this happens" process and I didn't even realize it.
When I started I didn't have anything to worry about,because I didn't have anything, but when I had accumulated money and the things that money could buy. I started a totally different process, and I clearly did not enjoy the same progress I had before.
I finally stepped back and looked at the simple answer that was there all along.
You are nothing more than a product of your thoughts. The answer was simple; applying it is was a little more difficult until now.
I have a library that I have spent thousands on over the years; my book topics range from sales, motivation, and law of attraction to all types of business online and off. Many of these books are great books and have helped me immensely, I also believe everyone that succeeds, has to expand their mind by learning. I have just completed the best book I have ever read. It holds the SIMPLE secret to easily attaining anything you want in this life. You must read this book, it is inexpensive and you can read it in a couple of hours. This book will change your life if you will read and apply its simple exercises.
There are many excuses, but very few real reasons why you do not have everything you want in your life. If you are not where you want to be I can help you get there. I have succeeded with these principles and so can you, and you can do it as quickly as you want to.
To your success,
P. S. Just because you have a quality vehicle to get you where you want to go doesn't mean you will get there if you do not learn how to drive properly. This book teaches you the simplest and fastest way to become a great driver.
I have several quality vehicles that I am currently using and will gladly share with you in the coming weeks, they will give you all the financial security you want or need, but you must first learn the proper process to drive them. This is the step most people are missing.
GET THE MISSING STEP HERE Your Life is About to Make a Drastic Change!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
This is Success by Fact; Not by Theory
Don't let another day go by without this knowledge!
Click Here!
P.S. I have lived my life based on what is in this book, and I know it is fact, but it wasn't always easy. What I would have done to have had this knowledge 20 years ago.
Live your life in abundance; GET THIS BOOK!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Real Estate or Virtual Real Estate; Which has the most Value? Check this out!
This is an area of serious internet income that most people don't even know exist.
Mickie is very low key and got into the domain game rather late ... but he's making a killing. And he is depleting much of his domain inventory and starting over every few months, which I think is amazing.
I spoke with him last year and was blown away with how he works. He has a system he uses that maximizes domain sales and unloads the bulk of his domains before they near their expiration date. He only gave me bits and pieces of his system but I adopted some of it to my current sales process. The result: thousands of dollars from an income source I didn't know much about or had heard very little about; I was blown away by the amount of money produced by this system.
I went back to Mickie and asked him to share everything. He kept saying the less people know the better. But then I received this email last month:
You twisted my arm. I thought you were crazy when you said I should sell my domain sales system. I mean, I'm making too much money not sharing it. But you were right, the system doesn't mean the buyers of my domains will vanish. They will still be there, so I've begun to look at buyers of this system not as competitors but as students. I've looked at the other domain products that are out there (there aren't many) and realized no one is talking about domain sales as a system. So I wrote my entire sales system down. I laid out my secrets. I've put together a Quick-Start Overview that gives a good outline of how it works and will give customers the details each week over several months (there's so much stuff here).
I don't want to overwhelm people with one giant ebook that sits in a folder unread. I have too many of these. I want to break down the system each week in detail, much like a course. In fact, I have two secrets that come out in week 9 and 10 that will blow most people's minds. The secret in week 9 has more than quadrupled my revenue. Don't smile. I'm not even sure you know about this one. The secret in week 10 has shaved my domain acquisition costs by 70 percent.
Give me a call and let's talk about this. I'll follow up with a draft of the Quick-Start Overview later this afternoon.
Mickie Kennedy
Domain Sales System(TM)
Details Here
I'm telling you, Mickie Kennedy knows domains. But even more importantly, he knows business. In fact, Mickie has a successful million-dollar ecommerce business that has nothing to do with domains. He took what he learned about marketing and business systems and translated them to domain sales. The results speak for themselves.
Mickie Kennedy has earned more than $2.4 million in domains -- and he has never sold a domain for more than $10,000. In fact, he's only sold a couple of domains for more than $5,000. The bulk of his sales are in the sub-$1,000 market. For me, that is the exciting part. Any lucky domainer owning one-word industry killer domains can make six figures or more from domains. Mickie is not that guy. He specializes in generic compound words you can register every single day.
In addition, you will receive a list of domains you can purchase from Mickie from his portfolio, starting at just $60. No bids or auctions. Just domains available on a first-come, first-served basis.
As Mickie points out on his site Here:
Without the secrets revealed in week 9 of the Domain Sales Machine(TM) newsletter, my total domain sales would be $574,915 ... not the $2,442,815 I've actually earned.
Would you like a piece of this action?
Are you ready for an online profession that is real with systems, sales cycles, and goals in place?
It's time to make up your mind. Do you want success for the long-term or are just holding out for that one-big payday that may never come? Click Here for more details.
Happy Domaining!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
For All Business Owners Online & Offline New Membership Site offers $10,000 in Ads at 54¢ an Ad
There’s a brand new Membership site that has every place online and off where you can get $10,000 a day in ads – but for a whopping 95% OFF!
You can literally get ads for just 54¢ an ad that would otherwise costs you $1,000’s
You’ll see PROOF in a moment!
But what you need to know most is this:
o You get $10,000 in ads (DAILY!)
o You can get them in 50,000 places all over the World!
o You can place them all with just 1-3 clicks from
inside your own Membership Super-Center using
just your mouse!
o You get another 30,000 places in FREE ads!
o You get limitless FREE Traffic Sources!
And again, it all comes in a very easy-to-use Members Area you get your own private Username & Password LOGIN to!
It’s rumored that the husband and wife couple who operate the site may either LIMIT how many people are allowed in, or at the very least “choke” down the flow of new Members so as not to let just anybody get in.
It’s also been said that they may stop offering anymore Memberships after some time (and without notice) just to keep competition “alive and well” (but who really knows?)
Regardless of which, it’s understood that once you’re in, *YOU’RE IN!*
Here is the link in case you’re smart and want in just like me and the few others who’ve found this so far:
**Just DON’T be shocked in case when you get there they’re closed to any “NEW” Members!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space
So what have you done lately to get out of your comfort zone?
We all have a tendency to get complacent. Thats because it is so much easier to adjust to only doing just enough to get by, thats why without a goal most people will never do more than they have to.
You have set your thermostat to low, once it reaches a certain point it kicks off.
This is easily cured by setting goals, but they must be in writing & realistic or they are only a wish. Once you do this the goal takes on a life of its own; it becomes your boss.
You will work for no other boss like you will work for your goals. You will now raise your thermostat and get out on that edge.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
You want what? A JOB!
The thing is; in reality the only real security you will ever have, is what you create for yourself.
With that said some of you still want actual employment , so you may as well have an unfair advantage over every other applicant and have the job you want in the next 30 days or less..
99% Of All Job Seekers Will Never Discover THIS...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Need a Job? This is a No-Brainer!
I am going to do the research and find you a few legitimate, low cost ways to make enough money that you don't have to worry about making ends meet, if you will just apply yourself.
This one is a simple inexpensive no-brainer.... Check It Out Here
Sunday, February 8, 2009
How Do You Feel, Today?
Through out my sales career I was always told Positive Attitude was everything. All the trainers said so; so it must be true; Right?
But something was Missing!
My greatest discovery has been that what and how we feel determines our attitude and outcome, not the other way around. A feeling is just a thing that you are in possession of temporarily. It is not you. If you do not like the feeling you have the power to simply let it go. Right this very second, Let it go! Keep doing this until the feelings you have make you feel good.
Keep this in mind; our feelings are usually based on the past and you can't change the past! Start basing your feelings on right now (the present) and don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself by your thoughts today!
Now that is something you can control. So, Don't Worry, Be Happy!
How you feel right now, has nothing to do with what has happened in your life; but everything to do with what will happen.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Reach Out and Touch Someone; TODAY!
My goal in life has become to find my purpose, why am I here?
What am I supposed to be doing?
Who said you can't do whatever you want and make a great living at it?
Who said you have to work 9 to 5 and struggle through life to make ends meet?
Who said life was a bitch and you die?
I have come to realize several truths in life and one of them is "we reap what we sow" and by helping push someone else up the hill we are that much closer to the top ourselves.
When you see someone hurting reach out and do what you can to help, even if you are hurting too. You will be blessed.
We have all hurt, been hurt and probably hurt somebody else, maybe even without knowing it. There is a song that says; "Everybody hurts sometime" and that is true. The difference lies in how we handle it.
We have all seen a hurting fellow human being; maybe it was the elderly homeless person dragging all their worldly possessions with them down a crowded street, maybe it was the person in line at the store who didn't have enough money, maybe it was us when we lost a job. It breaks my heart to see hurting people, especially when we live in a world of abundance; but..... some people do not know or understand this.
Did you ever wonder why God would allow this? The answer; he didn't! We did!
I truly believe it is simply a matter of understanding the rules of the game.
Here is the tricky part; many people do not understand the rules, but if you do, it is not only your right to be Successful, it is now your obligation to be as Successful as you can be.
It is up to the ones who know and have been blessed by that knowledge, to help those hurting people who don't!
This is what God wants for each of us, but he played a nasty trick on us, he gave us Free will and an independent mind. I also believe he gave us all the answers to all the questions, but we must be willing to look and find them on our own.
The following contains part of this answer and great wisdom; don't just read these words, meditate on them and let them sink in.....
We have seen that the Bible teaching regarding Man starts with two great facts:
First, that he is the image of God reproducing in Individuality the same Universal Mind which is the Origin of all things, and thus reproducing also its Creative Process of Thought;
Second, that he is ignorant of this truth, and so he brings upon himself all sorts of trouble and limitation.
It is the purpose of the Bible to lead us step by step out of ignorance and into knowledge.
Keep this in mind; Our ignorance of any law of nature will never exempt us from its operation.
If everyone, starting with you will reach out to someone who is hurting, God will reach in, and this world and this economy will change!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
With the elections over and confidence in our government at an all time low where do we go from here; Sometimes it is best to get back to the basics and look at what made this country a great Nation to begin with…….Let’s start with a few apparently forgotten people.. The founders of this Nation!
John Adams and John Hancock:
We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus! [April 18, 1775]
Charles Carroll - signer of the Declaration of Independence | Portrait of Charles Carroll
" Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure...are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments." [Source: To James McHenry on November 4, 1800.]
Benjamin Franklin: | Portrait of Ben Franklin
“God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel” –Constitutional Convention of 1787 | original manuscript of this speech
James Madison: We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We’ve staked the future of all our political institutions upon our capacity…to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.” [1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia]
This is but a small sampling of quotes from our Founding fathers; here is one more I found interesting:
“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” [speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779]
Wow! I wonder who spoke that bit of …………. How about “George Washington”.
Do you see a problem here? It would appear to me or any other person with the slightest bit of common sense; that the moral fabric and basis of what this country was founded on is being eliminated & replaced with corruption, greed and plain stupidity.
The Solution? It’s simple; get back to the basics!
I do not claim to be a moral compass or the most religious person in the world, as a matter of fact I believe we probably have to much religion and not enough God, but I see our government getting further and further away from the basics.
Here is a question for you:
If the majority of this country still believe (polls show over 80%) in what the founding fathers believed; why are we allowing a minority of anti-American troublemakers to change it?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Even though the year just started you should be well on your way. How do you feel right now? If you are wondering why the world is picking on you, then you are not on track. If on the other hand you feel happy and confident, chances are you are well on your way.
STOP RIGHT NOW, HOW DO YOU FEEL? This is your built in GPS that tells you if you are headed the right direction in your life, listen to it.
If you are in the first group I am going to show you how to change the way you feel.
You simply need something simple and easy to help get you started and something to keep you focused and motivated.
I came up with an easy solution for you.
Its so easy to lose site of your goals and lose focus, this is why at the first difficulty or setback, the majority of people give up.
Really now; At this point in time who could blame you for giving up on your dreams, just look at what is happening in the world;
The economy is worse than it has ever been, it appears the world is at unrest, with wars breaking out, unemployment at an all time high, real estate in the dumps, money for loans is tight etc. THIS IS WHAT EVERYBODY IS FOCUSED ON! And this is precisely why it is so hard for some of you to get ahead.
This is called the “Losers Limp” you now have an excuse for failing, which somehow you think justifies giving up. As long as you give yourself this OUT, you will never succeed. Failure is never fatal, it is a component of success. Failure is simply stepping stones to success.
What about the fact that more millionaires are still being made today, than any other time in history, and the fact that the same held true during the Great Depression.
They all had one thing in common FFP. Without FFP no matter what the circumstances are, when you come to something that seems a little hard or that you don't want to do you will quit and give up.
Once you have these three little items under control You are on your way!
It will now be easier to apply SSWIT. Start it and stick with it!
"There are so many ways to make money, some are simple, some are more advanced and require more time and skill, but regardless of your skill level;
You must take action, and stay Focused and have a Purpose (dreams and goals) or you simply won't stick with it.
I am going to show you how to be the Success you want to be; all you have to do is stick with us and hold on!
I have made special arrangements with one of the most successful marketers on the Internet to give you a complete Soup to Nuts Course including step by step video and a written manual to give you a simple way to get your business successful quickly if you stay focused and follow through. ALL at a cost anyone that is serious about succeeding can afford.
To help you stay Focused I am going to send you as a Special Bonus, my gift to you a book that has helped me stay focused and live life on my terms.
THIS IS A GREAT BOOK and it truly is a secret, because not many know about it. It will unlock whatever has been holding you back to a new life.
This is a priceless gift that I have been keeping to myself for several years, but it is now yours free with this special program I have found for you.
You will be e-mailed instructions to receive your free book within 24 hours of placing your order.
This book will show you how to succeed beyond anything you can imagine it has for me and I guarantee this book will do the same for you, if you will simply read and apply it to your life. It really is that simple.
For complete details Go Here Now. The free book alone is worth the special price of this program that I have arranged for you.
P.S. Don't Wait On This One; He who hesitates is lost, That is especially true with this offer. You will not find a better value anywhere! Read on ….
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Make 2009 your Best Year Ever by NOT doing this one simple thing
The opinions and comments by Bubba are those of Bubba only, these comments will cover many areas and subjects and are intended to challenge your mind to endless possibilities by asking questions and examining current events , thoughts, beliefs and anything else Bubba chooses to discuss ……
You will only receive small bits each issue, this will prevent overload and give your brain plenty of soak & recovery time……… Here are your Bits………………..
With the current state of the economy many people are worrying about everything from their jobs to putting food on the table.....but what if worrying made it worse...........
What if you stopped worrying about anything and just had faith everything would be OK. What would happen?
Did you know you cannot worry and be happy at the same time and that worry is the opposite of faith?
Did you know you create your tomorrow by your thoughts today?
What would happen if you just acted as if everything was great? Even if it is not; yet.
How do you feel right now? Your feelings are nothing but an indicator that tell you if you’re thinkin the way you should be thinkin and headin the direction you should be headin. Sometimes you have to just fake it until you feel it.
Try this on for size…… Your Reality is just that; Yours! It is only reality to you.
Be careful; history is full of other people’s reality known now to be false.
………..what do we believe now, that future generations will prove false?
Why do people close their mind and open their mouth?
Sometimes it’s best to keep your mind open and your mouth closed! This one simple thing could change the world.
A Final thought………….
Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair….It gives you something to do……but gets you nowhere.
And speaking of thoughts, if you don’t like how you feel, change your thoughts.
You are the only living being that has this ability. Do it for 30 days and see for yourself.