Sunday, February 15, 2009

If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space

If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space.

So what have you done lately to get out of your comfort zone?
We all have a tendency to get complacent. Thats because it is so much easier to adjust to only doing just enough to get by, thats why without a goal most people will never do more than they have to.
You have set your thermostat to low, once it reaches a certain point it kicks off.

This is easily cured by setting goals, but they must be in writing & realistic or they are only a wish. Once you do this the goal takes on a life of its own; it becomes your boss.

You will work for no other boss like you will work for your goals. You will now raise your thermostat and get out on that edge.

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