Have you ever wanted to just drop out of Existence for awhile? Give Up, Settle, or just wonder why life is being so hard on you? I have and I think everyone has at some point in their life, especially right now with the constant bombardment of bad news about our economy.
I have received so many inquiries about where I have been for the past few months I had to finally break my silence. And I have a very important message for you. If you're feeling the crushing force of fear caused by the unrelenting financial catastrophes lurking around you at every turn... then this may be the most important letter you ever read...
Please read every word of this; and I guarantee your life will change.
Have you ever heard that if you want to make something harder, just put off doing it for awhile? This is an absolute fact. And I know this as well as anyone. The longer you procrastinate the harder it becomes; more Dreams have been shattered because of this one thing than any other, eventually you just give up without ever knowing what the outcome would have been; 95% of all Dreams end this way and then we make excuses as to why it didn't work .
Not only do you sell yourself short, but also the many other people you may have helped along the way had you followed through. We are all a work in progress, in different stages of our true potential. You will be successful at whatever it is you want in your life if you will simply keep moving toward your goal.
This is not theory; this is fact, if you will simply read and apply the principles found in this letter.
Success is not a place or thing; it is Progress through Constant Process. In its most basic form it is what makes you Happy. If you're not happy as you want to be right now, you have simply stopped or slowed your Progress by letting other things interfere with your Process.
I have owned 4 businesses in the past 25 years that were all successful. We decided to sell when both of our daughters were out of high school and move to our second home at beautiful Lake of the Ozarks, MO. My retirement plans have now changed a little, just like many others with the current state of our economy, but the principles I have lived & worked by will never change.
Am I worried about the future? Absolutely Not. Do I ever get discouraged? Absolutely. Everybody does.
If you are at all concerned about your future or your finances you need to pay close attention to what I am about to tell you.
I was interviewed by a local newspaper in 1984 at the ripe old age of 24 about the success I had at such a young age in building my business. They asked how I did it. I simply replied. "I believed I could". You see I didn't know all the reasons why businesses fail. Therefore failing was not even an option for me. This was a real brick and mortar business with employees and big overhead. And we enjoyed being in the top 10% of all distributors in the country for 10 years straight. I was simply doing the only thing my mind knew, it did not know what failure was, and therefore failure was not possible.
Fast forward another 10 years, I was interviewed again just a few short years ago and asked "What was the most difficult part of running your businesses"? Answer; "Me, it was a job with no end in sight and constant change orders". In other words we are all a constant "Work in Progress" Life and circumstances change whether it is something you want or not and sometimes it only changed because your thinking did, but you always have a choice as to how you move forward with the process.
I become a smart,educated business owner. I learned why business's failed and heard all the horror stories. I found out why so many entrepreneurs and business owners were stressed to the max and really not taking the time to enjoy anything in their lives. I had also become one of them by simply listening to them. My Success Process was replaced by a Protect and Worry about"what if this happens" process and I didn't even realize it.
When I started I didn't have anything to worry about,because I didn't have anything, but when I had accumulated money and the things that money could buy. I started a totally different process, and I clearly did not enjoy the same progress I had before.
I finally stepped back and looked at the simple answer that was there all along.
You are nothing more than a product of your thoughts. The answer was simple; applying it is was a little more difficult until now.
I have a library that I have spent thousands on over the years; my book topics range from sales, motivation, and law of attraction to all types of business online and off. Many of these books are great books and have helped me immensely, I also believe everyone that succeeds, has to expand their mind by learning. I have just completed the best book I have ever read. It holds the SIMPLE secret to easily attaining anything you want in this life. You must read this book, it is inexpensive and you can read it in a couple of hours. This book will change your life if you will read and apply its simple exercises.
There are many excuses, but very few real reasons why you do not have everything you want in your life. If you are not where you want to be I can help you get there. I have succeeded with these principles and so can you, and you can do it as quickly as you want to.
To your success,
P. S. Just because you have a quality vehicle to get you where you want to go doesn't mean you will get there if you do not learn how to drive properly. This book teaches you the simplest and fastest way to become a great driver.
I have several quality vehicles that I am currently using and will gladly share with you in the coming weeks, they will give you all the financial security you want or need, but you must first learn the proper process to drive them. This is the step most people are missing.
GET THE MISSING STEP HERE Your Life is About to Make a Drastic Change!
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