Sunday, February 15, 2009

If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space

If your not living on the edge your taking up to much space.

So what have you done lately to get out of your comfort zone?
We all have a tendency to get complacent. Thats because it is so much easier to adjust to only doing just enough to get by, thats why without a goal most people will never do more than they have to.
You have set your thermostat to low, once it reaches a certain point it kicks off.

This is easily cured by setting goals, but they must be in writing & realistic or they are only a wish. Once you do this the goal takes on a life of its own; it becomes your boss.

You will work for no other boss like you will work for your goals. You will now raise your thermostat and get out on that edge.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

You want what? A JOB!

I understand it is difficult for some of you right now and even though you would love to strike out on your own you just can't see yourself starting from scratch. Some of you feel you can't afford to go in business right now or you just want the security of a paycheck.

The thing is; in reality the only real security you will ever have, is what you create for yourself.

With that said some of you still want actual employment , so you may as well have an unfair advantage over every other applicant and have the job you want in the next 30 days or less..
99% Of All Job Seekers Will Never Discover THIS...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Need a Job? This is a No-Brainer!

I wasn't planning to recommend other companies products or services from this site but in this economy and with so many people trying to make ends meet I am going to make some exceptions. The products that I know will help you I am going to share with you. I want you to have everything you need at your disposal for Success.

I am going to do the research and find you a few legitimate, low cost ways to make enough money that you don't have to worry about making ends meet, if you will just apply yourself.

This one is a simple inexpensive no-brainer.... Check It Out Here

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How Do You Feel, Today?

We go through life controlled by how we feel. I never really thought much about this, because I was always looking for the right thoughts or attitude. I really believed that was the key to success.
Through out my sales career I was always told Positive Attitude was everything. All the trainers said so; so it must be true; Right?

But something was Missing!

My greatest discovery has been that what and how we feel determines our attitude and outcome, not the other way around. A feeling is just a thing that you are in possession of temporarily. It is not you. If you do not like the feeling you have the power to simply let it go. Right this very second, Let it go! Keep doing this until the feelings you have make you feel good.

Keep this in mind; our feelings are usually based on the past and you can't change the past! Start basing your feelings on right now (the present) and don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself by your thoughts today!
Now that is something you can control. So, Don't Worry, Be Happy!

How you feel right now, has nothing to do with what has happened in your life; but everything to do with what will happen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Reach Out and Touch Someone; TODAY!

There are things in this life that I find hard to understand, but I want to, so therefore I continue to increase my knowledge by looking for the answers I seek.
My goal in life has become to find my purpose, why am I here?
What am I supposed to be doing?
Who said you can't do whatever you want and make a great living at it?
Who said you have to work 9 to 5 and struggle through life to make ends meet?
Who said life was a bitch and you die?

I have come to realize several truths in life and one of them is "we reap what we sow" and by helping push someone else up the hill we are that much closer to the top ourselves.
When you see someone hurting reach out and do what you can to help, even if you are hurting too. You will be blessed.

We have all hurt, been hurt and probably hurt somebody else, maybe even without knowing it. There is a song that says; "Everybody hurts sometime" and that is true. The difference lies in how we handle it.

We have all seen a hurting fellow human being; maybe it was the elderly homeless person dragging all their worldly possessions with them down a crowded street, maybe it was the person in line at the store who didn't have enough money, maybe it was us when we lost a job. It breaks my heart to see hurting people, especially when we live in a world of abundance; but..... some people do not know or understand this.
Did you ever wonder why God would allow this? The answer; he didn't! We did!

I truly believe it is simply a matter of understanding the rules of the game.

Here is the tricky part; many people do not understand the rules, but if you do, it is not only your right to be Successful, it is now your obligation to be as Successful as you can be.

It is up to the ones who know and have been blessed by that knowledge, to help those hurting people who don't!

This is what God wants for each of us, but he played a nasty trick on us, he gave us Free will and an independent mind. I also believe he gave us all the answers to all the questions, but we must be willing to look and find them on our own.

The following contains part of this answer and great wisdom; don't just read these words, meditate on them and let them sink in.....

We have seen that the Bible teaching regarding Man starts with two great facts:

First, that he is the image of God reproducing in Individuality the same Universal Mind which is the Origin of all things, and thus reproducing also its Creative Process of Thought;
Second, that he is ignorant of this truth, and so he brings upon himself all sorts of trouble and limitation.

It is the purpose of the Bible to lead us step by step out of ignorance and into knowledge.

Keep this in mind; Our ignorance of any law of nature will never exempt us from its operation.

If everyone, starting with you will reach out to someone who is hurting, God will reach in, and this world and this economy will change!
