Friday, August 14, 2009

Use your common sense!

You will notice the last few post are articles from ARI "Autism Research Institute" they have been doing research since 1967, their findings are supported by facts, so why are they being ignored? My opinion is; Many Doctors today are controlled and brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry. They are one of the most powerful and profit driven industries in the World. They actually have more control of the government than the other way around.
Why is there a need for so many vaccines when the side effects are more harmful than what they are trying to prevent?
If you have a choice between your children getting the measles or Autism, which would you choose?

Right now your kids chances of Autism or Mercury poisoning are greater with vaccines than getting the measles without. WHY ARE WE WILLING TO TAKE THAT CHANCE?

Do you really think it is coincidence that the rise in Autism coincides perfectly with the increase in vaccines given. Every time the number of vaccines is increased so does the incidence of Autism. Coincidence? I seriously doubt it.

1 in 150 kids is UNACCEPTABLE.

We Americans have become to accepting and complacent, and it is now being used against use, yet we are the only ones who can change this. Why in the world do we allow "Thimerosal" (TMS)to be put in our kids? It is 50% mercury! This is a component of all vaccines. Mercury poisoning has the almost exact characteristics as Autism. Here is an excerpt from a research report:

More recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have determined that the typical amount of Hg injected into infants and toddlers via childhood immunizations has exceeded government safety guidelines on an individual (6) and cumulative vaccine basis (7). The mercury in vaccines derives from thimerosal (TMS), a preservative which is 49.6% ethylmercury (eHg)

Why do we believe the pharmaceutical industry when they tell us there is no correlation between Autism and vaccines, when the facts prove otherwise.

The fact that we are allowing our kids and grand kids health and well being to be compromised in the name of profit really pisses me off. And It should you too.

It's time to start using our own God given common sense and put a stop to this nonsense.

Please read the post from ARI, do your own research, It will piss you off too.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Autism Explosion

The Autism Explosion

The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part II (MMR)

The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part II (MMR)

The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part I (Thimerosal)

The Vaccine-Autism Connection – Part I (Thimerosal)

Autism, Vaccines, and an Answer to Bioterrorism

Autism, Vaccines, and an Answer to Bioterrorism